Monday, October 25, 2010

the first one

so after recording lo-fi music for about 5 years, i have finally decided to make some sort of attempt to put it out there.  i've been recording this stuff under a few names, "appalachian yard art" (the shit people in appalachia put in their front yard), "zebra" (i wanted something stored at the end of the alphabet so people around me would be less likely to notice it), as well as my given name.  chances are, if anyone does ever end up downloading any of this stuff, it will be stored under zebra.

anywho, a bit about it.

i was born and raised in ohio, living in the appalachian foothills in southern ohio for the past several years.  i loved it.  however, now i am in seattle, wa for whatever reasons.  still, the appalachian region means a lot to me.

began playing the banjo around 10 years ago.  i suppose the music is mainly leans towards a lo-fi americana, folksy sound.  simple is a good way to put it.  i don't know. if you care, you can listen.


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